"Stuffed", computer animation, Summer 2023
This animation was completed as part of the prestigious and famously difficult Summer Industry Course offered by the Visualization program. In this summer-long intensive, I worked with a talented team of artists to create a visually and narratively compelling animated short with the help of mentors from all over the 3D industry. The team was: Lexie Coyle, Amanda Urrutia, Adithya Sathyanarayanan, Melanie Riojas, Justin Hopson, Saif Chowhury, and myself.
My roles: environmental modeling lead, sound lead, compositing co-lead, CFX
Nursing Empathy Builder, VR simulation, Spring 2023
This simulation is the result of a semester-long project involving myself and three other teammates. We worked in conjunction with our professor of Virtual Reality and two doctors and staff from the Texas A&M School of Nursing to develop a simulation which aims to bring awareness to an issue in medicine. Patients that are minorities have an increased risk of death when giving birth, partly because they have a negative perception of doctors and nurses. Sometimes medical staff critical to the health of patients lack empathy and thus promote a negative perception of themselves, so with this simulation, we aimed to put nurses and other medical staff in the shoes of patients to experience the stressful realities that patients face. The team was: Niah Price, Kaylyn Luna, Mualla Argin, and myself.
My roles: environment modeling lead, set dresser, sound

[Redacted], VR game, Spring 2023
This game simulation was completed as part of my Virtual Reality course. It would help set up the groundwork necessary for the semester-long project that was completed in the same course. In the game, the player, with the perspective of a small animal, collects folders with important documents to complete the level. It's very simple but acted as a prototype for future games and helped me learn more about VR. 
All aspects created by me. Followed tutorials by Coding in Flow on YouTube to develop game
"Dusty", computer video game, Spring 2022
This video game was completed with an interdisciplinary team composed of Visualization and Computer Science students as part of my Game Development course in the Spring of 2022. The team was: Shiv Patel, Taylor Tram Pham, Patrick Zhong, Manuel Toledo Cavazos, Arielle Steele, and myself.
My roles: level design, set dressing, 3D modeling, sound design
"Rock Bottom!", computer animation, Fall 2020
This animation was completed in conjunction with my peers from the one of the Fall 2020 animation studio courses. The team was comprised of members: Siri Martir, Jordin Gonzalez, Andrea Ballesteros, Harrison Stringer, Alyssa Curran, and myself.
My roles: camera layout, character animation
"POWER HOUR", computer animation, Spring 2021.
This animation was completed in conjunction with my team during Gigajam, a 36-hour competition where teams have that much time to completely finish a work for submission. The team was comprised of members: Josh McKimmey, Adrienne Bulos, Manuel Toledo Cavazos, and myself.
My roles: 3D modeling, texturing, sound, credits
"HENSURANCE!", computer animation, Spring 2020.

This animation was completed in conjunction with my peers from the one of the Spring 2020 animation studio courses. The team was comprised of members: Valori Prazak, Catrina Cabungan, Caysey Mackey, Eleanor Wagner, and myself.
My roles: layout, 3D modeling, animation, sound design, video editing
"selfless", computer video game, Fall 2019. 
This video game was completed in collaboration with two other artists and friends as part of our Fall 2019 studio course. Team: Adrienne Bulos, Manuel Toledo Cavazos, and myself.
My roles: co-project manager, 3D modeling characters, level design
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